
my death brother

dont know why suddenly i remembered my death brother..
what if he still alive, how my life could be *wondering*

wondering how does he look like, how his characters would be :(
would his characters be same as my oldest brother :'(
would his characters be as s*cks as my oldest brother ;(

aahh ... how my mom feeling would be when she knew her son was died
he hadnt died directly when he was born, he survived about 40 days :((


this is what i call " the beginning of my life "

9th June 2012, that was my graduation day..
the day when our classes are graduated from high school...
haaaa.. what a day! had been waiting this day for so long.. finally! :P

hahaha i was shocked when my name was called as the first place student for the highest report score :O
i still couldnt believe that :O 
actually am not that clever-_- haha i could get it cause of my effort i think
i give all of my ability only for make my parents always proud of me, only that :)
i saw my mom was cryin' when i took my trophy ;")) aah momm.. love u more :'D

then, i was more shocked whennnn, my name once again was called as the first place student for the highest final score :'P
oohh God.. so much thankyou for giving me this unforgetable present :"DD *want to jump as high as i can*
hahaha speechless :))
as our promise friends ( boh, roshni, angel, marselin) when we're at 2nd grade in shs :), we should go to the  stage with our parents to take our trophies ahahha :)
maybe not all of us went to there, but u all already did the best ;)
ah geez! *speechless* how can i get this trophies.. all of my friend are smart.. especially for yenny n novi :O

yenny is the smartest student since elementary school.. why am i still this speechless is cause yennyy's achievment(s) hahaha :'(
but she still gets the 3rd place for the highest final score.. congratulation :D

novi is the smartest student since she moved to my school :O
i always ask her when i dont understand what my teacher explains
and she didnt get any trophies :'( still wondering why :O

my best friend, angel, also got three trophies!! wow! all of 'em are first place :D awesome student!!

at last, i want to say congratulation to all my friends who already graduated :D
reach your dream as high as possible and dont forget to make your parents proud :D that's the point ;)



what a great day :*

woohoooo ! i love this day veryy much :) bcause of what ? i could spend my free time after mid-term with my superbestfriend , hihihi :D:D:D
really2 excited xDxD
although not all of my bestfriend can join it :(
thanks for this day friends :D
xoxo :*

I had a nice trip with my school friend yesterday ♥

yesterday was a wonderful day
bisa study tour bareng anak2 SMA Provi .. terutama bareng anak2 kelas 11

pokoknya kemaren mantep banged ! :D
walaupun study tour nya cuma ke TMII n bogorr (-_____________-")
tapi tetep aja menyenangkan ! :D
pagi2 uda siap2 buat ke sekolah -____- hadehh ke tmii aja mesti pagi2 ..
terus jam 7 berangkat .. \(^o^)/
pagi2 uda di kasih makanan .. bused dahhh =="
nyampe tmii jam stgh 9 :O
alhasil kita nunggu bentar di depan gerbang nya ntah mau ngapain . ckckck
terus tepat jam 9an kita ke museum IPTEK \(^0^)/
ternyata di tmii not bad .. museum iptek na mantep uyy :D
keren2 karya2 nyaa :D:D:D nyobain semua yg adaa di situ ..
paling lucu si waktu nyobain simulasi gempa .. ngga berasa gempa sama sekali bzzz =_=
terus foto2 deh heheheh :D
abis itu ke Museum MIGAS .. ish di sini sih ngebosenin abis loh =="
n ujung2nya kitaa foto2 lagi \(^________^)/
abis dari museum migas , balik lagi ke bus , terus lanjutin perjalanan ke aquarium ikan air tawar ..
di sini juga ngebosenin .. ikannya aneh2 + nyeremin =____=
di sini juga fotoo2 .. hihihihi :D:D:D:D:D
abis dari situ , lunch deh di bus :))
abis lunch tacuuu ke tajurr .. lumayan cepet jg si ke tajurnya .. n tajurnya juga bukan yg biasa gua kunjungin .. ngga ada yg special .. ngga bisa belanja2 pulaa errrr barang2nya jelek2 n super mahal ! >:o
yauda deh akhirnya cuma makan2 .. udah gitu ujan lagi ==" ngga bisa ngapa2in ..
trus di suruh naek bus n pergi dinner =_= dinner kok sore2 ..
sampe tempet dinner dalam keadaan masih kenyang gara2 makan di tajur .. err
yauda lah tacuu , makannn ajaaa :D:D:D
tempet dinner nya bagus enak juga makanannya :"D
selesai dinner jam setengah 6 .. n uda gitu pulanggg ???
errr masih sore uda pulangg ..
di bus gilaa2an nyanyi2+teriak2 .. soalnya tourguide nya ngasih voucher buat foto satu angkatan . ahahaha dari bogor sampe jakarta nyanyi2 tiada hentii .. yg paling seru di sini
teriak2 sampe puas dan guru2 hanya diam ! :P sekali2 kita berkuasa atas guru2 gapapa dong xD
xixixi ..
ternyata sampe jakarta lama juga , makan 2jam an lebih =="
tapi baguslah , biar suasana kebersamaan anak2 kelas 11 makin erat hihihi
akhirnya nyampe jam 8 lewat ..
hihihi selesai sudah study tour kitaaa hari itu
mungkin selanjutnya bakal ada study tour yg lebih menyenangkan , tapi ini ngga mungkin terlupakan sampe nanti kuliah n kita semua berpisah :'((
thank God for yesterday


Kiss the Rain :'')

* I often close my eyes
And I can see you smile
You reach out for my hand
And I'm woken from my dream
Although your heart is mine
It's hollow inside
I never had your love
And I never will

** And every night
I lie awake
Thinking maybe you love me
Like I've always loved you
But how can you love me
Like I loved you when
You can't even look me straight in my eyes

I've never felt this way
To be so in love
To have someone there
Yet feel so alone
Aren't you supposed to be
The one to wipe my tears
The on to say that you would never leave

The waters calm and still
My reflection is there
I see you holding me
But then you disappear
All that is left of you
Is a memory
On that only, exists in my dreams


I don't know what hurts you
But I can feel it too
And it just hurts so much
To know that I can't do a thing
And deep down in my heart
Somehow I just know
That no matter what
I'll always love you

So why am I still here in the rain